The Islamic Hotline Phone _______ was created in Egypt __ the year 2000 with ___ vision of becoming the _____'_ foremost source of information ___ centrist Islamic teachings utilizing ___ mediums of telephone, and ___ internet..
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Q & A --> Faith and Doctrine

Question : What line separates atheism from Islam? Is the person who confesses to believe in One God and in Muhammad as the Prophet of that God, and who despite his praying and fasting then commits acts which are contrary to the nature of Islam, to be considered guilty of disbelief [literally: polytheism, shirk]? What is the ruling on someone who persists in committing sinful acts?

Question : A question was asked about whether or not it is possible for a man or woman to remain with their partner in the knowledge that he or she does not pray.

Question : A question was asked about [the legitimacy of] calling upon the Prophets and the Righteous for help [intercession].

Question : What is the ruling on sacrificing to anyone other than God? Is it valid, for instance, to slaughter [an animal] to pious people when visiting their tombs, or if it is our intention to bequeath the meat of the offering among people living near the tombs, or the domes?

Question : A question was asked regarding whether freedom of thinking is a positive attribute, or whether it leads to freedom of faith.

Question : There was a question about the veracity of the motion of the earth around the Sun, and what a geography teacher should say to his students about the matter.

Question : A [first] question was asked regarding the validity of excusing one’s mistakes through ignorance of religion; [a second question asked] whether an ignorant person will be forgiven in the Afterlife.

Question : A question was asked the regarding the condition of someone who dies before hearing the call to Islam, or if the call to Islam that they have heard has been delivered incorrectly.

Question : A question was asked regarding how the children of the unbelievers (mushrikin) are to be judged.

Question : A question was asked regarding the following of the Sufi orders.

Question : A question was asked about the rulings that contradict [the meanings of] God’s Revelation

Question : A question was asked regarding the aims of Jihad for the sake of God.

Question : A first question was asked as to whom Muslims should be loyal, and whom they should avoid. A second question explored the matter of expressing loyalty to non-Muslims (kuffar).

Question : A question was about [the validity of] intercession (al-tawassul).

Question : A question was asked on the subject of magic and the learning of it.

Question : A question was asked on the legal validity of imitating (al-tashabuh) non-Muslims in their dress-sense, and in other ways. Fatwa in Brief: It is forbidden to imitate the customs, beliefs, acts of worship and the moral leniency (tasahul) associated with non-Muslims. Such imitation is illegal, and may lead to disbelief.

Question : A question was asked about [the legal validity of a Muslim] living in a non-Muslim country (balad ghayr Islamiyya)

Question : A question was asked regarding the ruling for gaining citizenship in a non-Muslim country.

Question : A question was asked about whether or not Muslims should congratulate non- Muslims during the latter’s festivals (a‘ayad).